The Northwest Minnesota Arts Council is pleased to announce that the 2020 Annual Art Exhibit is open in Warren from August 12 to 26. The exhibit will be at the Warren Recreation Center at 120 E Bridge Ave (the large building south of the City Office and west of the WAO High School) and will be open for the public to view art on
August 12, 13, 17, 19, 25, 26 from 10 am – 8 pm
August 20 from 10 am to noon – it’s Crazy Days in Warren

Please note: on August 26 exhibit closes early at 4:00 pm for the Artists’ Award Ceremony Reception.
The public is welcome and encouraged to visit the exhibit! We ask that you practice social distancing and wear a mask.
43 adult and 37 student artists from our 7 county service region — Kittson, Marshall, Norman, Polk, Pennington, Roseau, and Red Lake counties — have entered 110 pieces of art into this exhibit and will be competing for $2,300.00 in cash awards. Exhibit cash award winners are chosen while the exhibit is on display by a qualified juror. Winners will be recognized and receive their check at an artist reception. Unfortunately, this year due to COVID-19, the reception at the end of the exhibit will be limited to the artists.

Some of the artwork, including sculpture, carvings, pottery, paintings, and photography is for sale!
Last modified: 08/18/2020
Joseph Bain is the owner/operator of & WiLD 102 Radio.